Molly Bloom was in college, she hosted a radio show for kids. She graduated and started a career in public radio, but the idea of making something for young listeners never really left her head. Later, she asked her Minnesota Public Radio colleagues,
Sanden Totten and
Marc Sanchez, if they wanted to try making a podcast just for kids. Why not?!? It took about a year for the first episode to come out, but they did it. Soon after, kids started writing in, then parents began telling each other about this fun, educational, SCREEN FREE podcast. The momentum eventually landed the trio full-time jobs producing the show. And then bam! Seemingly out of nowhere, but actually out of UC Berkeley, Menaka Wilhelm showed up. An actual scientist with a passion for science communication. Now, there’s a small but mighty team that has enabled the show to grow beyond the science podcast. Spinoffs,
Smash Boom Best and
Forever Ago are all part of the ever-growing list of shows that are helping to shape the landscape of kids podcasting.