CLASS - September 9, 11, 16 and 18, 2024 / 3-4:30pm PT, 6-7:30pm ET 

How to Pitch Podcast Executives and Get Your Show Made

Do you have an idea for a great podcast series, and are searching for a home for it? This workshop will teach you how to develop a pitch that will get the attention of podcast executives and win a development deal and eventual greenlight.  
AIR Members must log in to access discounted pricing.
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Key Takeaways

  • A step-by-step guide to refine and develop your idea ahead of a pitch.
  • Templates that show what kinds of materials executives will want to see when you are making a pitch.
  • An understanding of what you need to consider once you’ve gotten some interest.

About this class

  • Monday, September 9
    Wednesday, September 11
    Monday, September 16
    Wednesday, September 18
  • 3-4:30pm PT, 6-7:30pm ET 
  • Virtual
  • 4 x 90 minute classes
  • $335 AIR members 
    $385 non-members
  • Payment plans available at checkout. 
  • Get on the waitlist by emailing 
Many podcast companies are turning away from having in-house creatives, but they're still looking for ideas and content. This workshop will provide you with a step-by-step guide to developing a winning pitch. You’ll learn how to refine your idea ahead of a pitch meeting, how to approach media companies who may be looking for new podcast series, what materials executives are looking for when it comes time to pitch, and what you need to be thinking about as you get interest from potential producing partners. 

This course sits at the intersection of content and business development, and will provide independent audio journalists and producers with the tools they need to head out into the marketplace with their ideas. 

Who is this class for? 

Mid-career audio journalists and producers
Meet the instructor

T.J. Raphael

T. J. Raphael is a seasoned audio journalist with 15-years of experience as a reporter, producer, and editor working with some of the world’s leading podcast production houses.  

From 2019 to 2023, she was an on-air host, reporter, and senior producer for Sony’s Global Podcast Division. Two of her most notable podcasts with Sony include Cover Up: The Pill Plot, about the American abortion wars, and BioHacked: Family Secrets, about the shadowy business of sperm and egg donation.

Before Sony, T. J. produced and reported for Slate and WNYC — the largest public radio station in America. The programs she has created have been heard by millions of listeners and praised by critics around the world.  
Write your awesome label here.