Our great offer
Crafting Winning Podcast Sponsorship Pitches Member Price
Pitching is one of the fastest ways to get on a brand’s radar. However, with overflowing inboxes and hundreds of unread messages, how do you stand out and get noticed? In this session, discover how to improve your response rate and successfully secure brand partnerships. With access to real-world winning examples and a step-by-step framework to craft custom attention-grabbing pitch emails, learn how to clearly and concisely communicate your value proposition and rise to the top of brand consideration lists, regardless of audience size. This price is for AIR members only.
What's included?
Elevate your career
Expert instructors
Satisfaction guaranteed
Material you'll love
Set and achieve goals
Flexible payment options
10% discount (value up to $898)
This class will be a super easy introduction to getting started in the makeup business, specifically what are the basics in the professional makeup kit.
Training bundle (value $1,425)
This class will be a super easy introduction to getting started in the makeup business, specifically what are the basics in the professional makeup kit.
Courses included
Crafting Winning Podcast Sponsorship Pitches Member Price
Pitching is one of the fastest ways to get on a brand’s radar. However, with overflowing inboxes and hundreds of unread messages, how do you stand out and get noticed? In this session, discover how to improve your response rate and successfully secure brand partnerships. With access to real-world winning examples and a step-by-step framework to craft custom attention-grabbing pitch emails, learn how to clearly and concisely communicate your value proposition and rise to the top of brand consideration lists, regardless of audience size. This price is for AIR members only.
Crafting Winning Podcast Sponsorship Pitches Member Price
Pitching is one of the fastest ways to get on a brand’s radar. However, with overflowing inboxes and hundreds of unread messages, how do you stand out and get noticed? In this session, discover how to improve your response rate and successfully secure brand partnerships. With access to real-world winning examples and a step-by-step framework to craft custom attention-grabbing pitch emails, learn how to clearly and concisely communicate your value proposition and rise to the top of brand consideration lists, regardless of audience size. This price is for AIR members only.