Accelerate your audio skills

SoundPath is a digital training platform for peer-inspired learning, brought to you by the Association of Independents in Radio (AIR).

How to Arrange a Serialized Podcast

Are you producing a narrative podcast and struggling to figure out how all the pieces fit together? This class from Senior Creative Producer Gabby Bulgarelli will break open your favorite shows and help you understand how complex narrative projects are structured. 
Write your awesome label here.

SoundPath Offers


90 minute essential webinars from audio leaders, free to AIR  members and available to non-members for a small fee.

Live classes

Hands on, small group classes meet once or over several sessions, with no more than 15 students. 


Book a 1:1 session with an industry leader to provide feedback, answer questions, or help you take your project to the next level.

Video Library

Missed a webinar? Visit our video library to access recordings of webinars. AIR members get access for free.

Discover Trainings


From our community

I've taken a handful of online audio workshops and this one was by far the best. Our teacher was thoughtful, prepared, and encouraging. Her expertise and enthusiasm made this the best podcasting workshop I've taken to date!
- Lucy C.
I had been feeling like I hit a wall creatively and professionally, and was searching for something to take me out of my rut and push me to grow. The Walk the Line course I took on bending genres in audio storytelling gave me the space to do just that.
-Sonia P.

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Community Events
for AIR Members

AIR Members get access to our members-only community events including virtual community coworking sessions.

Community Coworking


Member Welcome Workshop


How SoundPath works

Buy live courses, webinars, and coaching sessions as you go

Most trainings are available for purchase on a one-off basis. 

Upgrade to an AIR Membership

SoundPath is a project of AIR Media. AIR members can access webinars and videos for free as part of their membership and also receive discounts, along with access to AIR's many other programs.

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